Access control and reception of remote loading orders forwarded directly to your loading machines
Enter the load orders received on cloud and let vkiosk manage the entrance of the incoming vehicles communicating to the loading machine the identity of the vehicle and the weight to be loaded.
On the exit, vkiosk prints the load document to the identified loaded vehicle
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0 ÷ +50˚C, -20 ÷ +60°C (optional)
Ethernet - Wifi - Cellular - Radio
400 - 760 - 505
because your way of carrying out load orders and managing access to your extraction, withdrawal or storage site evolves.
If you enter your loading orders on our ipotweb cloud, vkiosk recognizes the incoming vehicles and initializes the order by sending it to the loading machine which consequently manages the vehicles to be loaded according to the order received, eliminating time lost, otherwise, to know the loading data from the driver of the vehicle.
The outgoing vkiosk prints the load document for the recognized vehicle and sends the movement to our ipotweb cloud, thus completing the automation of the load cycle.
If you are looking for a SMART SITE solution to automate vehicles traffic on site, VKIOSK together with IPOTWEB cloud will make all this a reality
Download PDFIf you enter your loading orders on our ipotweb cloud, vkiosk recognizes the incoming vehicles and initializes the order by sending it to the loading machine which consequently manages the vehicles to be loaded according to the order received, eliminating time lost, otherwise, to know the loading data from the driver of the vehicle.
The outgoing vkiosk prints the load document for the recognized vehicle and sends the movement to our ipotweb cloud, thus completing the automation of the load cycle.
If you are looking for a SMART SITE solution to automate vehicles traffic on site, VKIOSK together with IPOTWEB cloud will make all this a reality
in its language it follows your thoughts, your needs, your work, giving you exceptional results because it is created by users like you SIMPLE
in its conception. Modularly engineered to allow you to update it according to your work needs FAST
in its navigation it leaves no room for doubts because traced by those who know how to listen to deliver you a product that becomes your best ally POWERFUL
in the management of your loading and handling data it becomes an ideal helper you can no longer do without ROBUST AND DURABLE CONSTRUCTION
for its sturdy stainless steel weather resistant case.
Equipped with front and rear doors, it allows for night-time closure
and access to components from the rear.
The connection to a barrier prevents access to the site to
those vehicles that are not authorized or have no load order
Equipped with front and rear doors, it allows for night-time closure
and access to components from the rear.
The connection to a barrier prevents access to the site to
those vehicles that are not authorized or have no load order