When transport uses machine of substantial investment

In the construction of a dam like the one in Zambia the high maintenance of the machines can jeopardize the success of the project for the subcontractor who transports the excavated material from where the dam will be born to the surrounding reclamation areas; investing in machines such as articulated haulers, ADTs, Graders, Excavators is not an everyday task, having to know in real time the tons transported in order to establish a serious and binding contract with the client and at the same time calculate the return on the investment. Equipping the fleet of articulated dump trucks with the Vei weighing system was easy for the customer which solution was offered when buying the dump trucks.
The weighing device on board the articulated dumper or ADT, called Millennium5, provides information on the tons transported, the tons / hour, the destination of the transported material and prevents overloading what in this project could not be afforded given the high investment and minimum maintenance time allowed

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