An important Mediterranean port is SOLAS compatible

The handling of containers in the terminal is now compatible with the SOLAS regulation thanks to the on board reach stackers installation of a smart weighing system called HelperX. This tool brings with it various international certifications that have led the company that manages the handling of containers to be chosen for its adoption as the weighing system onboard reach stacker with a direct connection to the TOS, that is the management software inside the port . With the ability to manage the Booking No. HelperX turns into an irreplaceable and strong helper of that symbiosis with the sector presenting an intuitive interface for the work you are doing because it is inspired precisely to this. Vei, the creator and producer of the HelperX system, has an international experience translating it into a technology for everyone; its openness to the needs of the customer and its desire for innovation have made for the customer an easy choice on the supplier of scales on board.

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