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Section where you can find answers to questions you may have. If you can't find yours, contact us right away, we'll be happy to help.

I purchased new wheel loaders and was told that I could take advantage of the Industry 4.0 government contribution on the machine purchase if I fit your weighing system onboard. Can I know how it works?

The on-board weighing system on the wheel loader alone is not enough, you also need an account on the cloud in order to be able to send load orders to the loader on board weighing and send from this the completed loads to the cloud. As you can see, in this way you achieve automation in the management of those data that are part of the load, in short, data sensitive to your company that you would otherwise have to do through the use of personnel and slowing down the entry and exit of the vehicles at the loading site. If you are interested we will visit you to explain how to open the file to obtain the Industry 4.0 contribution

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Vei Group

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