Talk to us

Section where you can find answers to questions you may have. If you can't find yours, contact us right away, we'll be happy to help.

I purchased a Millennium5 weighing system installed on a telescopic machine 3 years ago; now I wish I could manage the fodder diets I have to prepare. Do you advise me what I need?

As we had anticipated at the time of sale, you can simply update your weighing instrument on a telescopic loader. We just have to send you the software update by email and in a few seconds you can start using the powerful tool of our recipes that can be performed in various ways, you just have to choose the one that best suits your loading mode. If you want to automate the process, open an cloud account where you can create your recipes and send them to your updated Millennium5 weighing instrument; every time you lift the bucket your recipe updates automatically. If you need anything else, call us

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Vei Group

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