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Section where you can find answers to questions you may have. If you can't find yours, contact us right away, we'll be happy to help.

By increasing the safety rules I will no longer be able to let the drivers get out of the truck to pick up the loading ticket. How can I solve this problem?

In this case we can offer you 3 solutions that share the cloud, increasing your management potential far beyond your today's expectations. The first solution is to force drivers to pass through a point at the site where someone connected to the cloud prints the load carried by the vehicles. The second solution is to have our APP "Load 'n sign" installed on the drivers' smartphone so as to receive a digital file on the load completed with the driver's signature. The third solution is to set up a kiosk at the exit of the site where, through our vkiosk product, the driver requests printing on a touchscreen terminal with an intuitive interface. Find information on this solution on our website in the "products" section for the vkiosk and in the "data management" section for the other two solutions. I believe one of the three solutions may meet your solution to the problem

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Vei Group

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