the world's leading producer of phosphate-based fertilizers

PhosAgro is a Russian company and one of the world’s leading phosphate-based fertilizer producers.
Our environmentally safe products help farmers from 102 countries across the inhabited continents to improve their crop quality and yields.
Kirovsk Branch of Apatit is a 90-year old mining and processing plant.
The HelperX weighing devices perfectly complement the automated production control system in our mines. Thanks to them, monitoring the amount of extracted material became possible at the very first stages of production.

HelperX connected to a fleet management system provides PhosAgro with the right automation we need. We remotely know machine anomalies and the load of each machine

Now the production of the company employs more than 50 LHD and mine dump trucks equipped with weighing systems VEI. The high level of reliability, in the difficult conditions of the mine, proven by many years of operation, allows us to think for further fruitful cooperation with VEIGROUP.

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